The part of daily living I have trouble coming to terms with
is that one minute you’re here…and the next minute you’re not…no matter how
long you were here in the first place.
Make sense?
Yeah…well, neither does the rest of it.
The first time I recall actually recognizing how fast time
was slip slidin away was in the early part of 6th grade.
I was sitting in my room, one sunny, Saturday afternoon, being
bored, when I should have been out playing basketball or something with my
I liked to be bored back then—not sure why. My mom would ask me what I was going to do,
and I would answer, “Just sit in my room
and be bored.”
And she would respond, “Okay…have
fun”…not at all realizing that fun defeats the whole purpose of boredom…but
that’s how moms are, I guess.
Anyway, it suddenly hit me that I had just—or so it
seemed—been sitting in the exact same chair, in the exact same corner of my
room, the Saturday before…being bored.
So I immediately made the cognitive leap of faith that,
before I knew it, I would be sitting in the exact same chair, in the exact same
corner of my room, the next Saturday…being bored.
WTF! I thought to
myself…time is slipping away at an
alarming speed!