We never know what Tomorrow will bring.
Truth is, Tomorrow usually shows up empty handed.
Just plops itself down on the couch, turns on HBO and immediately
starts catching up on past seasons of “Game of Thrones”. All this while Today
finishes up with whatever misperceived havoc we believe it’s managed to create
in our lives over the last 24.
Yet, we all worry about Tomorrow...much to Tomorrow’s
amusement, which plays right into the hands of Today.
In fact, Today has come to count on us keeping one eye
turned to Tomorrow, so it can get away with a lot more crap knowing we’re
distracted wondering how we’re going to avoid more of the same Tomorrow.
And as Today completes its business, Tomorrow just continues
dropping popcorn kernels in-between the couch cushions while exchanging
correspondence with Yesterday who’s already off sunning itself in the
Truth is, though...Today isn’t really trying to annoy us, at
all. Today is doing its best, leaving subtle little nuggets of treasure behind.