It’s time to strike up the band and fire up the grill!
Yep, it doesn’t seem possible but Fourth of July weekend is
already upon us.
Just a month ago it was Memorial day sneaking back into town
as we were busy putting our winter coats away and digging out the air
conditioners during that little May heat wave we suffered through...then...turning
around and dragging all those winter coats back down—again—and pulling those
same air conditioners out of the windows—again—while we fired up our boilers
with temps dropping back into the 40s.
So confusing
But such is the way of springtime, and now summer, here in my
hometown and, I suppose, the rest of the northeast...but who cares about them.
Which is the nice thing about small town living,
Despite all the division, noise and hub bub spinning out of
control in the real world, we small towners have an opportunity to step back, from
time to time, and put all the insanity aside, if just for a weekend...and, even
better, a holiday weekend.
And the holidays are what make small town living special;
are what brings neighbors together.
It’s difficult to dwell on the negative—even though just
saying the word “dwell” has such a nice ring to it—while watching lines of
happy kids in scout uniforms marching down the Avenue in formation...or
something that resembles a formation.
It all depends on whether the kid carrying the flag gets