Friday, May 11, 2018


Today thru Tuesday May 15th
Get your FREE Kindle Download of
The Freelance Retort Unraveled, Vol.1—
“The Zombies Have Big Heads and other observations”
FREE—Direct from the Archive of Retort
A Top 40 of silliness and insight guaranteed to keep the pages turning
Still in their original absurdity
Now FREE...thru Tuesday May 15th
Did I mention it was FREE

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Brain Train

I’ve been trying to brain train my brain.

But it never listens...and that’s a problem.  It just blabs and blabs and blabs; all day; all night.

Like it has a mind of its own.

My brain is never satisfied...ever.

If you happen to find me sitting quietly, somewhere, on a street corner, munching on a Turkey leg, my brain isn’t thinking, Mmmm, this is one good turkey leg!

 No, it’s thinking...Mmmmm,  I wonder if I could have gotten a better turkey leg at that other turkey leg store...and how did I end up on this street corner? Did I get on the wrong bus again?

Or, if it’s not thinking that, it’s probably thinking, I’m gonna miss munching on this turkey leg when it’s gone. I wonder how long before I get another turkey leg like this one...and what time does the next bus come by?

So by the time I’ve finished munching on the turkey leg, I don’t even feel as if I had a turkey leg.

I’m just some weird guy sitting on an unknown street corner holding onto a greasy, old turkey bone, thinking to himself...Ok, this is weird...I usually go for the wing.

It’s just how my brain works...always has, right from the get go.