At vacation half-time there’s not much to retort, which, like I said last time, is actually a good thing.

You don’t want to be writing about that.
Things are quiet and that’s pretty much how you want beach vacations to go. We’ve had the place to ourselves since the Ax Murderer went home. I hope he’s doing okay; he seemed a little quiet as he was packing to leave and he had a funny look in his eye. Really not at all like the Ax Murder I had come to appreciate in my much too short a time with him. I guess he was sad about the end of his vacation.
The weather’s been fantastic! Warm sunny days and cool dry nights. No AC needed here.
The tide's been low in the mornings so we’ve pretty much settled into a relaxing routine of hitting the beach by 9 AM and taking an hour walk up and down the beach.
The first couple of days we took long walks down the main drag, along the bicycle path that leads to the bird sanctuary at the end of the island. That’s kind of an interesting walk because there’s such a pretty view when you finally get there, not to mention a rest room, which is always a plus. In addition, you get to watch a whole lot of folks who haven’t seen a lick of exercise all year peddling away, or jogging by.

Some seem like they never missed a beat and others…well, like they missed the whole song. It’s a little nerve racking wondering if you’re going to have to stop and administer CPR every few minutes; at least for Z who’s a nurse and knows this stuff. Not so much for me, who’s an idiot and would just stand there shouting, “Whoa, that’s gross.”
On the other hand, beach walking is good for the soul; but a little hard on the soles of your feet, especially if you’re not vigilant when it comes to the multitude of shells scattered about the water’s edge. But as Z reminds me, again and again and again and again…and again, it’s a beach, dumb head; of course there’s shells!
Did I mention Z is very kind?
Actually we have that kind of fun quirky relationship where she’ll say something disparaging to me in an amusing kind of way, and I’ll just nod quietly and say Yes, dear, of course dear”, for fear of having my neck twisted in my sleep.
But I usually deserve it....

There’s a variety of sea life all around us as we stroll. Heron, slippery eel—both in the water and in some of the seaside bars—playful Manta Rays and even a sand shark or two.
If you’re lucky, and have a sharp eye, like Z, you can share the morning with a school of wandering Dolphins gracefully breaching up and over the waves.
It’s a always special when the Dolphins arrive. Sun-bathers jump up from their beach chairs, sun-worriers pop out from under their umbrella ellas and everyone starts pointing and shouting for their kids to drop their shovels and boogie boards to come witness the event.
It’s a always special when the Dolphins arrive. Sun-bathers jump up from their beach chairs, sun-worriers pop out from under their umbrella ellas and everyone starts pointing and shouting for their kids to drop their shovels and boogie boards to come witness the event.
In metaphysical terms the dolphin are supposed to be representatives or messengers of a sort between the worlds of reality and…scripted TV.
No…just kidding.
Sorry couldn’t resist.
Sorry couldn’t resist.
Between the worlds of reality and the not so real; or maybe even more real, depending on your point of view.
And now that I think of it maybe that is kind of like reality TV.
Anyway, you’re supposed to pay attention to their presence because they're carrying a message about matters pertaining to something going on in your life. And yes, I’m talking to YOU, the fat lady in the thong. They’re telling you to cover that stuff up!And now that I think of it maybe that is kind of like reality TV.
The life guards here don’t start guarding until 10, but they’re on the beach way before that going through all kinds of drills and things. Personally I’m not so sure it’s such a good idea to run our lifeguards ragged before they even get in the chair, but I guess it works. They always manage to drag me back on the shore in record time.
Yeah…I know. Poor us.
The evenings are usually a combination of cocktails on the deck, then more cocktails on the deck. Some nights we stay in and BBQ and on others we venture out for a drive on the Island and taste of some of the local cuisine. We’ll cruise some of the local shopping establishments, purchase gifts for family and friends. Play some miniature golf; take a spin through the amusement park…then more cocktails on the deck.
And did I mention the cocktails on the deck.
Hey, it’s vacation….
Then we hit the hay, which is a very odd tradition of ours, I know; sleep, wake up and do it all over again.
Sounds pretty dull, huh?
Well, that’s what makes it so exciting.
Go figure….
Next time I’ll tell you even more about nothing.
Again…it’s vacation.
Yeah…I know.
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