When it comes to pain, I have a pretty high threshold.
I mean, you could
be in terrible, blood curdling pain and I’d be okay with it.
Would barely get squeamish.
In fact I could probably disregard your pain altogether,
once I offered my perfunctory concern and condolences.
Unless you were making a lot of whiny noises, or worse,
screaming a whole lot, in which case I might get a little annoyed.
But don’t worry…at that point I would pretty much just leave
the room and try to find someone who could actually carry on an intelligent
conversation…you know, without all the grunting.
I’m just lucky that way.
However, when it comes to my own pain, I’m not quite the
pillar of strength and stoicism you would imagine.
I know…weird, huh?
Which is why I’m laid up at the moment with this nasty
Yeah…I know…it was kind of touch and go for a while.
I could barely drag myself to the keyboard…but I did it for
That’s just how I am.
And who would have guessed that there are so many possible
causes of headaches…although brain boring beetles are not one of them….I
That was my first guess and fear, so you can imagine I was a
little relieved once they were excluded…at least for now.
And when I say relieved, I mean as relieved as you can be
while curled up in a fetal position, shuddering in what I can only describe as
a real headache.
Especially for Z, who had to drag me out from under the bed.
Okay, sure…maybe she did tweak her back a little in the
process and might have a little
difficulty standing up for a few days…but that I can deal with.
Besides, Z rarely complains about her own aches and
pains…just mine.
She’ll say things like, “If you don’t stop whimpering about
that little bitty pain in your head, I’ll fix it so you can’t feel anything up
there at all!”
And since she’s a nurse and has seen more than her share of
life threatening situations, I always take her at her word concerning things
like that.
Besides, I couldn’t really ask her to give up a whole day of work,
saving lives and advancing the state of mankind, just to fix my headache...again.
So I only asked if she would adjust my IV before she left,
and check to make sure there was enough oxygen in the tank to get me through
the day.
Not that she heard me…not over all the doors slamming that
followed her on the way out to the car.
But since I’m not one to complain…too much…I figured I could
man up…at least until 10.
But, man up or not, this headache of mine is really doing a
number on me.
And if I hadn’t passed out I might not have made it even
until 9.
But I did, and once I came to I was relieved to find out
that all the moisture I was laying in was only the ice bag, leaking
So there was that.
And I know what you must be thinking.
What a big baby…you’d
think he never had a headache before.
Well, for your information, I rarely do get headaches, so
when I am afflicted, it’s pretty much of a big deal for me.
So to help get through the ordeal, I’m trying to take my
impaired mind off of it by searching for possible reasons why it reared its
ugly throbbing head in the first place.
And since the brain boring beetles were already excluded, I
started by looking at the most likely tension causing, stress producing reasons
currently going on in my life.
Obviously, the first thing I thought of was this whole
situation with Alex Trebek growing his mustache back. I mean why now, after all
this time, when it took some of us years to get used to him without it?
So that’s something to consider.
Then there’s the Derek Jeter retirement scenario, which is
everywhere. Has he really planned for the future and put enough away in his 401K to just stop working at the age of 40?
Is he going to be okay, or are we going to
find him wandering the streets in ten years, asking if we want our windshield
I’m worried…you know?
And what about the new Fall TV season that’s just kicking
off? I mean do we really need another
NCIS show?
Or a Batman show without Batman?
And what’s Steve
Buscemi going to do once Boardwalk Empire wraps up?
And can Scandal
really get any more Scandalous?
Will The Black
List’s Liz and Red ever resolve their difference and finally have a normal
I mean who can
Certainly not me…not
with this constant thumping in my brain.
Oh, man…I gotta
go. My headache’s getting worse instead of better.
I hope the EMS
guys are a little more understanding this time than they were a few hours ago.
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