The world is full of
Of which this story is a case in point.
But absurdity abounds…all around.
I mean just look at the Kardashians…need I say more.
And if you are looking at the Kardashians…need I say more.
Not helping….
Sure, there’s a lot of good programming on cable…even more
so than network TV.
But there’s also a lot of absurdity as well.
I guess because there are so many outlets and so many hours
to fill.
Do we really need 500 cooking shows with 3 or 4 so called
“Chefs” being judged by 3 other “Chefs”?
No…I think one would do nicely. Two if you change up the
format and add a fourth judge…you know, just for diversity.
How about house hunting shows? Can’t get enough of those…especially if you
live in a small, smelly studio apartment and feel bad for the couple who can’t
decide between the Jacuzzi tub or the basement sauna.
To be honest, I was just fine with Bob and Norm…the
rest just seems a little…excessive.