I’m on a personal crusade against “That”.
I say...“Down with “That”.
Well, I don’t really say that very often...if at all.
But I’m saying it now
“Down with “That”.
And you can tell that I’m saying it and that I mean business
because I’m using quotations.
And...I just used “That”...again...twice.
I use it a lot...that is.
That this, that that...that everything else.
You probably do too...use that...that is.
I do it without even knowing that I do....damn!
I noticed it when I went back and re-edited some of my old
manuscripts...I use “that”...way more than that deserves to be employed.
In fact, in most cases, “that” isn’t necessary at all.
Unless it has its noun suit on.
Then “that” is okay.
That deserves a seat at the table.
Actually, the proper term is probably pronoun suit...but it
didn’t sound quite as catchy.
Which is a whole other kettle of fish.
Which, technically, I shouldn’t be using to start a
sentence, either.
Which...that is.
But, on a whole...and sometimes a half...I’ve pretty much disregarded
the rules of grammar, ever since I stopped being tested on them.
As you can plainly see.
I pretty much write by ear...which looks weird, as well.
Plus I miss a lot of conversations.
Point being...I write the way I hear people talk...and,
conversely, the way I talk.
So I guess I say “that”...a lot.
But now I see there’s really no reason for “that”.
Most sentences are cleaner without “that”.
I don’t need to know, “He said that it was....”
The fact he said “it was”, is enough.
I know “she traveled” a hard road...so adding “that she
traveled” it, doesn’t make it any harder.
Anyway, now I’m trying to eliminate all the unnecessary “that’s”.
But I know that I won’t get them all....damn!
That is insidious that way.
Were in a rush, and that pops up.
Then we go back and we can’t help but see that.
And then that’s that....
Don’t even get me started on ellipses....you know....
When an em-dash would do—
Or is it en-dash—?
Who knows?
And Who’s not saying anything that we don’t already know
about...this, that...or the other thing....
I use ellipses a lot too...along with that...probably to the
annoyance of many—possibly you.
I guess it’s just a rhythm thing. It’s how I hear it in my
The pauses, the stumbles...the incorrect grammar—all for
Or is it affect?
Nah...I’m pretty sure it’s effect?
In the end—which this is—it’s just about making some sort of
sense out of your own gibberish.
As long I get it, I figure that you will too....