Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Proclivity for Negativity

Sorry, for the weird Retort E-mail that went out the other day featuring a post from last April on
“Sage Advice”.

I don’t know why that happened.

Some glitch in the automatic mailing system, I suppose.

But it never happened before, so who knows.

Maybe I screwed something up.

Hope it didn’t annoy you too much.

I’m also sorry for the cheesy “Little Red Christmas Ball” ad that went out the other day too.

I hate to take advantage of my subscribers like that...make them think they’re getting a brand new Retort to peruse and then hit them up with a commercial for my book.

Even if I was giving it away for free.

But, hey...I’ve only got a pretty small window to promote this thing....this thing that will bring you holiday warmth, sentimentality and enjoyment for years and years to come....

So whatdya expect?

What I expect is you were annoyed and probably twice as annoyed by all the even more annoying Facebook posts about it.

Especially now that it’s not free any more.

Like it’s my fault, you were too busy making Turkey sandwiches to take a minute and get a freebie download.

But that’s just me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Thanksgiving Comeback

It’s nice to see Thanksgiving making a bit of a comeback.

Once, right up there as a primo year-end Holiday, it had begun to lose some of its status and luster as a holiday to anticipate and enjoy.

Which the Turkeys were okay with.

Situated so close to Christmas, which has everything going for it as holidays go, including its own movies and musical score, people couldn’t wait to begin decking the halls.

If only Thanksgiving would do its thing and step to the side...please.

It’s no wonder those plastic Turkey Trees and Gobble Gobble Garland strings I tried selling on EBay didn’t fly...so to speak.

Nope, shoppers were already snapping up all those shelf elfs and other assorted Kringle creatures.

Which, again, was fine with the Turkeys.

You could also spot Thanksgiving’s diminished status in other ways.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Super is as Super Does

They were calling it a Super Moon, the first since...whenever and the last until...who knows when.

But doesn’t it seem they’ve been saying that about the moon almost every year, for a while now?

“Quick, drop what you’re doing and get outside and see the Super Moon...you’ll never see anything like it again!”

And I do; I drop the bowl of spaghetti I’m bringing to the table and run out to see this amazing moon...a moon I’ve never seen or will see again.

But I do....the next night...and the night after that...and that.

“Oh, but it’s not the same!”

But, it kind of is...it looks the same to me.

I mean, it’s an okay moon.

Maybe a bit brighter than most.

But I’m not sure I would go with the “Super” label...again, so soon.

Pretty good moon...maybe.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

One Zombie...One Vote!

The Zombies across the street are not happy with the election results.

Which, to be honest, I find surprising since most of them didn’t vote.

Even though a lot of them are still on the eligible voter rolls.

Oh, they talk a good game...about Zombie civic duty and all...but when push comes to shove, which it often does with Zombies, most of them just don’t shuffle down to the polls.

I guess you can’t really blame them.

Not after that incident back in 2004 when the poll workers refused to let one of them vote because they said he’d decomposed too much since 2002.

So now, they argue, the system is rigged against the un-dead.

“Don’t we have rights, too?” they shout...or gurgle, really, since most of them have throat issues.

“Uh, not really”...I want to say, but don’t...for obvious reasons.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Christmas is Coming...Christmas is Coming

Yes Virginia...and New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and every other state...no matter who you voted for...there is a Santa Claus and the Christmas season is still nearly upon us.

So if you're looking for a fun, new Christmas Tradition to share with your family...pick up "The Little Red Christmas Ball"

Now available at Amazon

Friday, November 4, 2016

Another Wedding...Another Road Trip

We took another road trip last week; this time up to Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Attended another New England wedding.

And spent another week recovering from all the revelry.


Revelry and I don’t get along, these days.

Not that I’m over revelious...(don’t try looking that up)...it’s just that revelry tends to cut into my nap time, which we covered in our last episode.

So there’s that.

But as weddings go, this was a good one, and I’m two for two with weddings this year, both of which have been a lot of fun...and, did I mention, on the road.

Which makes dancing a bit dodgy, what with traffic and all.

Get it...on the road...traffic...?