Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Big Brrrrrrr

The Big Brrrrrrr has arrived.

In some ways, it’s a bit hard to believe.

Septem-brrrrrrr, already.

La-brrrrrrr Day, knocking on the door.

Seems as if it were just Janu-wary.

And by this time next week, a lot of people will be declaring summer over...at least unofficially.

But we were able to squeak out a couple of extra weeks from summer this year...unofficially I mean.

Summer, the official  season, is still the same number of days as it is every year, as it is for every season; approximately 90 days.

However, being the media brainwashed, marketing puppet pods that we are, we follow the rules of Memorial Day to La-brrrrrrr Day, to define our unofficial summer...and this year they are as far apart from each other as they could possibly be; May 25th to Septem-brrrrrrr 7th .

Last year the unofficial end of summer was Septem-brrrrrrr 1st and some folks had already curled up into a fetal position in their beach chairs by now.  

Now I get a whole extra week before I...I mean...they have to do that.

Even so, extra week or not, there’s no getting around the Big Brrrrrrr. 


Some schools have even open for business already; I guess anticipating the first big snow event the always hopeful and 50% reliable Famers Almanac may or may not have predicated to occur in a few weeks. 

You can’t start making up those snow days too early.

But all in all I have to say this summer seemed to roll with a pretty reasonable flow, with or without the bonus week.

I guess because our big event—the trip to the Emerald Isle—came early on; back in mid-June.

So by the time Independence Day burst forth, Z and I felt as if we’d already experienced a summer and a half, which may or may not be due to my unremitting jet lag, which I still claim has a hold on me...no matter what the dopes from Guinness—the world record people, not the beer people—say.

Although the world record people said it might actually be because of the beer people, not the flying...at least not airplane flying.

But that’s neither here nor there.

What is here and there, is the Big Brrrrrrr.

Even though it’s still 90 degrees with 90% humidity, here—and probably there—in the northeast of the US of A.

So for now, the Big Brrrrrrr is not entirely unwelcome...once it does its thing and cools everything else down a bit.

At least until all the colorful dried out foliage starts its inevitable death spiral onto my pristine, burned out lawn.

Until then,  Septem-brrrrrrr or not, I’ll enjoy these last few weeks of official summer...at least until the last of my shorts blow out their waistbands....


Have you picked up my new book “The Kingdom of Keys” yet?
No....what's up with that???
Better hurry before they're ALL GONE...which is a lie because they'll never be all gone...never....

So why not buy one just to reward my forthrightness..ness...ness?

You might even enjoy it.

And spread the word...cuz nobody else is....

Just sayin....
Available now at Amazon.com -  Click Here

And while your at it

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  1. love the yard!! me and the wookie are doing the rain dance (but of course before the weekend)....the hose can't keep up!


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