Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday’s Out

I didn’t write a post for today.

So don’t expect one.

And this doesn’t count…so don’t think that it does.

Wednesday’s out…for now.

So don’t expect a post on Wednesdays…for now.

Sorry…that’s just how it is.

It’s not that I've stopped enjoying writing these things; I am.

I just had a bit of a falling out with Wednesday.

It was demanding creative control.

It wanted more melodrama…more intrigue…more sex appeal….

So it’s out.

I was close to making a deal with Thursday, to replace Wednesday, but that fell through.

Tuesday was looking for more than Wednesday, so I didn’t even go there.

I guess I could re-up with Sunday, but…Sunday is kind of an elitist.  Plus, who’s to say the problems we had in the past won’t just resurface after a while…no matter what Sunday says.

So that only leaves Saturday.  But let’s face it…while everyone loves Saturday, Saturday is kind of slow.  And not slow as in it takes a long time to answer the door slow.  Slow as in it usually can’t even find the door slow.

Yeah, I know…I could take a advantage of Saturday and make a sweet deal for myself, but that’s not me.  So I’m just gonna let Saturday be Saturday.  It’s not hurting anyone, and it doesn’t need the hassle.

So don’t expect a post on Wednesdays…for now.

Sorry…that’s just how it is.

And I think in the long run it will be for the better. 

Monday and Friday will certainly reap the benefits; their posts should be a lot better. Should have a lot more depth.  A lot more layers.

Which is basically all that Wednesday was looking for. 

So there’s the irony.

If Wednesday had been a little bit more patient, who knows what we could have done toghether.

I just hope Monday and Friday learn from Wednesday’s situation.

I know Monday will.  It has to…it’s not very popular to begin with; it knows that.

But I’m a little worried about Friday. Friday knows how people wait for it all week.  So I’m a little worried Friday might get an even bigger head with all of this.  Worried that it might start putting some bad ideas into Mondays head cuz I know for a fact  they talk over the weekends.

Most of it goes over Saturdays head and Sunday couldn’t be bothered.

And Monday has that low esteem issue so it can be manipulated, and Friday knows that.

But I can’t worry about that now. Now all I can work with is what I can work with.

So Wednesday’s out…for now.

No post today.

So don’t expect one.

And this doesn’t count…so don’t think that it does.

Sorry…that’s just how it is.

Blame Wednesday…not me.

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