Another winter storm is behind us but the icy cold
The icy cold always remains.
It’s just how icy cold is.
Not that there isn’t a place for icy cold.
Any icy cold beverage on a hot summer day is always welcome.

And an icy cold response is often called for, under the
proper circumstances, such as that time you may or may not have been caught
going through your best friends sock drawer claiming to be admiring his argyle
So we shouldn’t just decide to eliminate icy cold across the
No…I would save that for wishy washy.

No one ever needs wishy washy.
Or willy nilly, for that matter.
Two pointless qualifiers, at least in my opinion, neither of
which is used all that much anymore.
I think….
But getting back to this intemperate weather—which, in all
fairness, is working very hard to correct its wayward ways—we collected about
11 inches of the white stuff, the other day.
White stuff, of course being snow, although I suppose I
shouldn’t automatically assume you would know that’s what I meant.
I mean, there are a number of other white substances that
one might collect at any given time…like the stuff you find in your navel at
the end of the day
Or Mothballs.
Even Cotton balls.
All of which would be weird, but hey…who am I to judge.
Of course Z was up long before the sun, raring to get out
there. I wrote about Z’s fondness for snow shoveling way back when I first
started writing these things, in May of 2011.
Why I was writing about snow in May is beyond me, but hey, I
was new at this, and I tended to just write about anything that popped in my
head at the moment…unlike now, where I write and I hope something will pop into my head by the time I finish.
So, instead of re-telling, I’m just gonna pop in the old
description, in the interest of redundancy prevention, plus the fact that it
allows me to write less and take a much needed break.
So here’s me from the past…..
Snowy days
are the worst since Z has a love/hate relationship with snow. She loves it on
weekends and holidays but hates it during the week. I guess maybe because
she has to drive through the slop, down to the Bronx and back, while I, as I
said, have about a 12 step commute
After a
large overnight snowfall, she's been known to pop out of bed at 5
AM, speak in tongue, run down the stairs, grab a shovel, bolt out the door
and immediately start shoveling, long before the sun comes up.
But she
really enjoys it…at least that’s what I tell myself…and my neighbors.
That’s the
awful sound I’ve woken up to on many a frozen morning. Awful because I know I
HAVE to get out there too. I mean I’m not a complete schlub. And to be
honest, I kind of like shoveling, myself…once in a while. Not every other
day. Not before dawn.
I usually
get out there by the time she reaches the end of the front walk, which is
moderately long. Sometimes she’s already made the turn and has carved a
meticulously clean path half way down the sidewalk, as well.
I’m usually
greeted with, “You didn’t have to come
I usually
mutter something unintelligible in return and grab my shovel.
Then she
continues, in the cheeriest voice you
can imagine, “I’m gonna finish up
here, make breakfast, do a load of laundry, iron, clean the bath tub…and then
shower, dress and get to work by 8! How’s your day look?”
It’s about
then that I begin hacking at the wall of ice that the snow plow has left at the
end of my driveway.
Hey…okay…I’m back in the present…sort of. And since Z and I are nothing if not consistent, if not boring…that’s pretty much exactly how it all went down the other day.
So I guess there really isn’t any point in complaining about the snow or the cold weather. It comes and it goes…and then it comes back again…year after year…unless you live in Las Vegas or Florida, where a bunch of little snowbirds are constantly telling me how nice it is.

So I guess I can complain about that.
Or about the people that only shovel a path about 10 inches wide, which really isn’t so bad because you get to practice your tight rope walk, or the ones who only shovel the part of the path that they actually walk on, from their door to their car…or the ones who leave about a 2 foot patch of snow at the end of their property because they think it might belong to the neighbor...even though the neighbor has already shoveled.
Is there really any need for that?
No…not if you hire a surveyor to draw a line exactly where your sidewalk ends and theirs begins…not that I know anyone who would have done that…maybe.
Hey…why should I have to shovel one inch more than necessary.
It’s a long winter.
And I can’t seem to convince icy cold to take a trip down south.
So I guess we’re stuck with it for a while.
Besides…icy cold isn’t all that bad.
At least it keeps my beer cold.
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—"Like" is much too much of a commitment—
cheers!!! where's the warmth.....?