Another Easter is upon us, so hares my sonnet on a bonnet.
Or not…..
You don’t see a lot of Easter bonnets anymore unless it’s in
the Easter parade…on the avenue…Fifth Avenue.

Which is too bad because back when things where…I guess
old…or new, before they became old…folks took a lot of pride in their Easter
Bonnets…Fifth Avenue or not.
Especially my Uncle Tully, who actually enjoyed the
tradition a little too much and took advantage of it all year long.
I’m sure there’s some sort of religious significance to the
whole thing, so I won’t make fun…too much. But all I’m saying was a fun
tradition that’s gone the way of a lot of fun holiday traditions…like hunting
for peanut butter and mint jelly sandwiches on Easter morning.
That wasn’t one of your traditions?
Of course it wasn’t…that wasn’t anybody’s tradition…I don’t even know why I brought it up.
Seriously, I don’t …so
let’s just drop it!

You’ve never had broccoli until you’ve had purple broccoli.
Back then, my family went pretty conservative when it came
to colors. You know the basics: red,
green, blue and yellow.
Sometimes, if you were feeling funky creative you would hold
only half the egg in one color then dip the other half into another color to
make a two color egg.
Yeah…crazy right?

Although, unfortunately, I usually ended up with various
shades of brown….
Still…one of these
Later, they came out with some of these decorative sticker
things you could apply to your eggs, which—I don’t know—somehow always seemed
like a cheat to me.

I was more of a hand drawn crayon colored bunnies and
chicken guy, which I would scratch onto the side of my egg…if there is such a
thing as an egg side, other than bacon.
I have to admit, though, I haven’t kept up to date with
modern Easter egg decorating trends—you know, because I’ve been focused more on
my pudding art—so I can’t really say if the old ways are the best ways.
But they were the best for me and I’ll leave it at that.
Besides Easter egg art is a personal choice…and that’s the
way it should be.
Of course another fun Easter tradition has always been the
Easter egg hunt, which can take many
forms…inside…outside…up on the neighbors roof.

What…why else would those squirrels have been running around
up there? It was a legitimate assumption.
As our tradition went, after everyone was asleep, the Easter
Bunny would come into our house, pop open a few Bud's, and hide all of our
newly colored eggs in various places around the living room, but only the living room.
And for some reason we just accepted that as fact and didn’t
have a problem with it.
We were all strangely okay with the idea of curious
characters, from the Easter Bunny to the Tooth fairy, roaming our halls at
night…I mean, again, unless it was Uncle Tully parading around in one of his
Bonnets, which did disturb us.
Unfortunately, as with most childhood marvels, when I grew
older the idea of this over developed Easter Bunny hiding eggs around my house
seemed a bit farfetched. I mean Santa, I could buy…maybe even a
Leprechaun or two…but a bunny on steroids?

I don’t think so….
Besides, I knew my mom wouldn’t stand for that, especially
after she just had the carpets cleaned.
I mean have you seen what kind of trail a rabbit leaves
Anyway, we continued to play along, even after we knew…one, because it was fun…and two, it
was even more fun watching my dad sweat every year after we were only able to
find 10 of the 12 hidden eggs.
In fact, one 4th of July we actually found one
wayward egg crammed into the corner of the Barco Lounger.
it wasn’t Uncle Tully that smelled all this time!”
After the hunt, we would all dress up in these brand new,
oddly grown up looking clothes, whereupon we were then dragged off to church to
meet with the nuns and other kids, also dressed in the same sort of strange
holiday regalia.

Then, after a couple of Manhattans, it was off to Grandma’s
house for all kinds of food and festivities, which sometimes included hunting
for more eggs, rolling eggs, tossing eggs, even juggling eggs…or just about any
activity that had to do with eggs…except actually eating eggs…at least until
later...once the ritualistic eating of our Chocolate Easter Bunnies was
We would also join with our many cousins to put our new
found Easter suits and dresses to the test, featuring various feats of strength
and agility…many of which involved grass stains.
So those are just a few of the various Easter Traditions
that took place in my family, when I was growing up.
I’m sure you all have your own memories and similar
traditions, minus Uncle Tully.
Speaking of which...we were finally able to convince him after many years of pleading
to abandon the Bonnet, which he did in favor of the full bunny outfit.

But just in case it’s not…maybe you should get to bed and
pull the covers up over your head, nice and tight.
And, in the morning, check between all the little nooks and crannies
of your couches, chairs, vases, plants, curtains, lampshades, shoes and any
other small obscure, hiding places in your living room, where a large overgrown
Lepus curpaeums might hide a
small oblong shaped object, that will begin to smell like an over ripened Uncle
by the 4th of July, if you don’t….
And have a great holiday
while you’re at it!
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We were gifted with chocolate eggs decorated like those of the Russian Tzars - but no Easter egg hunt. Church attendance required a visit to the Mission Church in Boston where the organ selections were magnificent, as was the church itself, altar resplendent with masses of lilies. The latter part of the morning: viewing the parade down the midsection of Commonwealth Avenue, all participants sporting the latest fashions for spring. A happy Easter to you, Brian, a man singularly gifted.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joan. Your my Fav of Fav's.
DeleteSame to you and yours. I hope you're writing your always put me right back in time with you!