Memorial Day is here again—the unofficial start
of summer—although, just a couple of short months ago we were all a bit hard
pressed to imagine that summer would actually ever arrive.

Extended families consist of many different pieces and mine
is no different…except for the peculiar headwear, sported by some.
But that’s a topic for another day…if ever.
Z’s contingent is, well…large to say the least; large enough
to fill up the state of Rhode Island.
Check that…make it Vermont, Massachusetts’s, Maine and
pretty much all of the original 13 colonies.
My immediate family, on the other hand is, well…small, by
any measure, and less of what it was by half in recent years, even though it
too is spread out over 4 states, with no restrictions…as far as I know.
I have a number of Italian cousins in various incarnations,
spread about the region. I know because I’ve seen them on Facebook and once
they clear up that glitch, I’m sure they’ll respond to my “Friend Requests”.

Yes, I said “died”.
I’m not big on euphemisms of death, such as, “passed”, which, at least to me, is flatulent reminiscent, or the
more elongated form, “passed away”,
which evokes an image of fading into another dimension; although, of course,
there are many who believe that’s exactly what happens.
Of course, I could always say, “I lost my father in 1967”, but then people might think I was just
careless and misplaced him.
But the point is—and yes, I do get to them eventually—for
various reasons, I fell out of touch with my Irish kin, until the more recent
past, which, if I was to tell you the circumstances, I’d have to repeat the whole euphemistic death
routine, and none of us want that. Trying
to make people laugh at death is hard enough the first time.
I suppose it’s human nature to want to know you’re roots, and
for the past 4 decades, the only roots that I had any familiarity with was the
one that starred Levar Burton back in the mid 70’s.
I’ve mentioned in the past that I’m half Irish and half
Italian, but, to be honest I’ve never felt I was anything but American. I guess
mostly because both sets of grandparents rarely spoke of the “old country” or
discussed family history, shaded or otherwise…at least not with me…maybe
because they sensed I would be writing everything down someday. And in that way, I come from a very wise
So when I say, I don’t know much of my ancestral past, it’s
certainly an evenly weighted familial ignorance.
But that’s just DNA, and to be honest, to me, genes are the
least important factor when it comes to defining family…despite the fact that
I’ve had several tests done over the years in the hope of eliminating some
holiday dinner guests.
Okay, I’m kidding…it was just the one test…and nothing was
So now, having reconnected with the core of my semi-local,
Irish Kin, it was with a great bit of pleasure and surprise when I was invited
to tag along on their annual pre-holiday “Coming Home” tour, this past year.

But I guess that’s the comfort and connection of family, another
thing I’d unfortunately lost touch with over the years; something I thought I
didn’t need.
Luckily our mode of transportation—provided by my cousin
or Maggie as she goes by now, in some circles, especially if she is
pretending not to know the rest of us, which is often understandable— was more
than accommodating for our “small” group, especially since Peggy/Maggie’s hubby,
James, is accustomed to riding in the trunk…even when it’s just the two of

I didn’t ask….
So, after literally packing the car with Moloneys, we were finally
ready to set off on our Port Chester family tour.

Then a quick stop at the cemetery to acknowledge the, now,
somewhat quieter members of the family, who, apparently, always the nit pickers—a
family trait—take offense if they miss the tour.
Luckily, after about 20 minutes, someone remembered to let
James out of the trunk, which avoided a potentially unpleasant situation,
especially since he was the keeper of the coffee thermos.
From there, the tour began in earnest as we visited the many
streets my grandparents had lived on in P.C. dating back to the early years of
the 20th century. I’m not really sure why they moved so often—though
I suspect it might have had something to do with all the loud fiddle playing and
laughs that routinely sang from their windows on Saturday nights—but if you
happened to live anywhere in Port Chester during the 20s and 30s, chances are
you were neighbors at one time or another and you sang right along with them.
Rolling down upper Main, we passed the site of a now long
gone and forgotten house where my Uncle was born back in 1924, then continued south,
past familiar store fronts—most relatively unchanged—and down through Liberty
Square, where my Grampa Jim once manned the original Police Booth; a village
ambassador to all passing through and across our humble hardworking streets.
Then over to Washington, and around to Oak, then Parker
Street where, according to Uncle Jim, Mrs.“Somebody” once threw a frying pan at
Mr. “Anotherbody” presumably for consorting with Miss “Anywhatabody” on a warm
summer night in 31.
Then a lengthy stop on Bush Avenue, where my Uncle spent the
bulk of his early years and for which he had the warmest bundle of memories and
stories, set aside.
As our car pulled up to the past, nestled across the street,
the current residents were enjoying a sunny afternoon, on the front porch and
were naturally perplexed by the site of an SUV packed with a bunch of middle
aged folks staring up at their house.

“1927!” I heard one of the porch sitters declare. Followed by a shout across the yard to the
next door neighbor, “Hey, this fella lived right here, back in 1927!”
“1927!” suddenly filled the air as it bounced back and
around from neighbor to neighbor. It was almost as if George Washington,
himself, had returned to claim his long lost wooden teeth.
My Uncle was glowing with all the attention and recounted
one story after another of his family life on Bush Avenue; and you could tell
from all the smiles, that he was echoing many of the same memories from the
current residents as well.
My cousins, Patty and Peggy, soon joined the chatty group,
up on the porch, while I—always the observer—was content to stand back on the
street, bearing witness to some fresh family lore that I knew would live on for
a long, long time to come.
After a while, poor, forgotten James knocked on the trunk
door, asking to be let out, again, which I did, only to hear one of the
neighbors exclaim… “Look, they’re even coming out of the trunk!”

The house has been altered quite a bit since then, but as we all stood there in front, on the familiar sidewalk, the spirits and memories it held for all us, remained intact. Grandma Nellie’s doilies atop the furniture, the varnished wood trim, the yellow kitchen table, the wallpapered dining room, hosting family holidays and parties, the old cuckoo clock that signaled every hour, all through the day and all through the night. The garage, still there, which once housed an entire wall of ancient license plates. The stone basement with the picture of the aforementioned George Washington, his unshakable eyes following you wherever you walked, the piano, the once state of the art, ring roller washtub and even the radiators that went clank in the night.
All the things that connected us as family, much more so
than DNA ever could.
Finally, the day reluctantly wound down after a late afternoon
lunch, and, following a few Irish toasts, we all said our goodbyes, at least
for a while, already looking forward to next year’s family tour.

So for me, this Memorial Day, I’ll be thinking more about what
I’d forgotten, but intend on remembering, not only today…but all the days to
Check out my new YA book “The Kingdom of Keys”

Available now at Amazon.com
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A moveable feast. I am glad I was invited. Yes, I was there the whole time.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joan. I thought the trunk was a little more crowded that day....
DeleteIt's just as enjoyable the second time around. Hey, I have a Kindle now. I was experimenting with it to see what I could find, and I searched for The Kingdom of Keys. You got a terrific review from one Allison, an adult, not a kid.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joan. You're still the best...