Summer Solstice...the actual start of summer, is tomorrow morning at 6:51 AM ET.
Which means, I'll probably miss the beginning, so feel free to start without me....with or without the Morris Dancers, Daffy Druids and Cloaked Mystics.
I'll catch up...hopefully by the human degradation ceremony, which I never like to miss.
Which means, I'll probably miss the beginning, so feel free to start without me....with or without the Morris Dancers, Daffy Druids and Cloaked Mystics.
I'll catch up...hopefully by the human degradation ceremony, which I never like to miss.
I mean it's summer now, and I like to take it easy…especially in the summer.
Because let’s face it, I have it pretty easy to begin
with…especially with the Geishas I keep in the cellar.
Ha…just kidding. I don’t keep any Geishas in the cellar…they’re
in the garage.
Bada Boom…thank you thank you thank you…I’ll be here all
But seriously….
I like to take it easy…especially in the summer.
I mean who doesn’t?
Well, I guess Z.
I try to tell her re-shingling the roof isn’t necessary, at
least not every month.
Every 6 months would be fine…and even that might be
Of course, this just annoys her and she snaps back, “It’s
not like you can just go out and hire people to do it for you!”
And I guess she has a point.
And I suppose somebody has to mow the lawn, do the
dishes…and the laundry, make the bed, load the dishwasher and…well it just
makes me tired thinking about it all.
Especially in the summer…when I like to take it easy.
There’s just something about warm days and soft nights, sitting
on your back porch, cold beer and book in hand, the scent of Coppertone wafting
on a breeze that just lends itself to easy living….

But there's always grocery shopping that need to be
done—because let’s face it, it’s not going to do itself—a nice off premises, activity that provides a respite
from power washers, sanders and high speed drilling…and since I insist on a
very specific brand of marshmallow fluff, it can take hours by the time Z goes
from store to store searching for it.
These days, I’m also taking a little more time to stop and
smell the roses, if you know what I mean.
And why wouldn’t you know what I mean, because one, if I
don’t stop, it’s almost impossible to get a good whiff…and two, what part of
smelling the roses would you not understand?
Oh wait…these aren’t even roses. They’re something else
altogether, called peonies, which to me look a lot like roses.
Because to me, daffodils look like roses...daisies look like roses, geraniums look like roses....
Get the idea?
Maybe not....
But that’s okay. I’m not in the least bothered. Mostly
because I’m taking it easy…or easier…and besides, isn’t a rose by any other
name really just one thing or another, anyway.
Or something like that...who knows?
Who cares?
Not me….
Know why?
Because I like to take it easy…especially in the summer.
Because let’s face it, I have it pretty easy to begin
with…especially with the Geishas I keep in the cellar.
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